The Lego 21103 The DeLorean Time Machine Building Set is based on the “Back to the Future” movie that was popular in the 1980s. This car is the main focus in the movie, combining science fiction with adventure. This will bring hours of fun for your child. Let’s take a closer look to see what this Lego set has to offer, and whether it’s worth buying.
Key Features of the Lego 2103 The DeLorean Time Machine Building Set
• Opening doors
• Fold-up wheels
• Flux capacitor
• Time travel display
• 2 license plates
• Marty’s skateboard
• Includes building instructions
• Includes informational booklet on the “Back to the Future” movie
• 401 individual pieces
• 2 minifigurines of Marty McFly and Doc Brown
• Ages 10-15
Is the Lego 21103 The DeLorean Time Machine Building Set Worth Buying?
Even though Back to the Future was released in theaters in the 1980s, children are still enjoying this movie to this day. If your child is one of them, then this set is almost certainly worth buying. And, even if they’ve never heard of the movie, they can still have fun with this new product.
The main parts of the DeLorean Time Machine are designed to resemble the original car from “Back to the Future”. The minifigurines resemble the main characters in the movie, making this Lego set very exclusive. Even adults may love this set and build it to be showcased as a collectible.
The many custom pieces fit together perfectly. Lego has taken a real leap in the detailed design of its pieces in this set. They all work together to create an impressive scene, one that’s fun to keep on display, or to play with and rebuild.
There are two things to note about this Lego set. First, there is not that much detail in the DeLorean to reflect the same car used in the movies. For your young child, he or she may not even notice this, as it may be something more noticeable from an adult. The second thing to note is that the inside dimension of the DeLorean Time Machine is to low for the minifigurines to sit perfectly. The hair on the minifigurines needs to be removed in order for the minifigurines to sit in the DeLorean and time travel.
Overall, this Lego set is a great for further developing the fine motor skills of your child, as well as engaging his or her mind in critical thinking. This building set is definitely worth buying for your child, and though the car itself isn’t that detailed, it still looks great.